- Discrete Structures
- Computer Arithmetic
- Programming with C and C++
- Data and File structures
- Relational Database Design and SQL
- Computer Networks
- System Software and Compiler
- Operating System
- Software Engineering
- Elements of Discrete Mathematics by C.L.Liu
- Applied Discrete Structure for Computer Science by Alan Doerr and Kenneth Levassur
- Discrete Computational Structure by Korfhage R.R
- Discrete Mathematical Structure for Computer Science by Bernard Kolman & Robert C Busy
- Computer System Architecture by Morris Mano
- Digital Logic and Computer Design by Morris Mano
- ANSI C by Balagurusamy
- C + + Printer Plus, Stephen Parata, Galgotia
- The Annotated C + + Reference Manual, Manaret Ellis & Bjarne Strousstrup.
- Object Oriented Programming in C + + by Robert Lafore, Galgotia
- An Introduction to the OOP by K.V. Witt, Galgotia
- Jamsa’s 1001 C/C + + Tips, by Kris Jamsa, Galgotia
- A Treaties on Object Oriented Programming Using C + + by B. Chandra
- Fundamental of Database Systems by R. Elmasri; S. Navate; Benjamin Cummings;
- Introduction to database systems by C. J .Date
- Database system concept by Korth
- Principles of Database Management by James Martin
- Relational database design for Microcomputers Application by Jackson
- Database Management Systems by Bipin Desai
- Data Structure by Tremblay & Sorrenson
- Fundamentals of Data Structure by S. Sawhney & E. Horowitch
- Computer Networks by A. S. Tanenbaum
- Modeling and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks by J.F. Hays
- Data Network by D. Bertsekas and R. Gallager
- Internet Working With TCP/IP by D.E. Comer
- Local Area Networks by G. E. Keiser
- Data and Computer Communication by W. Stalling
- Compiler Construction - D.M.Dhandhere
- Compiler Writing - Tremble-Sorenson
- The Essence of Compilers by Hanter
- Computers: Princ, Techniques cools by Aho
- Operating System Concepts by James L. Peterson & A. Silberschatz
- Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tenenbaum
- An Introduction to Operating Systems by Dietel H.M
- Systems programming & operating systems by Dhamdhere
- Operating System by Achyut Godbole
- System Programming & OS by D.M. Dhamdhere
- Operating System by Galvin
- LAN Operating Systems by Michael Budnick L.,Et Al
- Software Engineering – A Practitioners Approach by Roger S. Pressman
- An Integrated Approach to S/W Engineering by Pankaj Jolote
- Software Engineering – A Programming Approach, by D. Belie I. Moray, J. Rough
- Software Testing Techniques by Barrios Bier
- Software Engineering Concepts-Richard Fairley